Junior Development

Starting tennis junior development offers invaluable advantages. Students cultivate physical fitness, motor skills, discipline, and teamwork. The sport nurtures confidence, decision-making, and time management. Junior players also build friendships, sportsmanship, and a love for a lifelong activity. With dedicated coaching, they develop a strong foundation, enabling them to excel in both tennis and life.

Junior Development Programs


ROGace is a specialized and innovative tennis training program designed specifically for children under 12 years old. The program emphasizes teaching various tennis strokes and strategies right from the beginning stages of learning the game. This approach is a comprehensive and proactive way of introducing young children to the sport of tennis, aiming to develop their skills and understanding of the game early on.

Tennis For Life (Club)

To build the best foundation for a lifetime of success, we’ve created the Tennis for Life Pathway (TFL). Holistic perspective and proprietary tools combine in a truly nurturing and positive learning environment to encourage children to progress. A path aligned with their individual skills and personality in five key areas: Technical, Tactical, Mental, Social and Athletic Training. Beyond teaching the game of tennis, is the transferrable benefit of foundational and universally applicable athletic skills.

3 Levels

  • Club Green:  For beginner- to intermediate-level junior players beginning at age 12. Rally to win in live-game scenarios!
  • Club JV Yellow: For intermediate-level players between the ages of 13 and 17. Develop skills for proper positioning and prepare for tournaments.
  • Club Varsity Yellow: For intermediate- to advanced-level players between the ages of 13 and 17. Prepare for tournaments, team matches, and interscholastic competitions. 

Tennis Academy

The Academy Pathway is a high-performance development program for students interested in taking their tennis to the next level. From our Green to Platinum levels, students will continue to explore the game through the refinement of skills to begin and continue the process of specializing in their craft. These new tools will prepare the students in our academy to perform at peak levels during tournaments, as well as to prepare them for college tennis at our highest levels of development. Each session addresses the individual’s development in the following areas: Technical, Tactical, Mental, Social, and Athletic training. Director approval is required.